HIS - Hermes Ip Services
HIS stands for Hermes Ip Services
Here you will find, what does HIS stand for in IT under Business category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Hermes Ip Services? Hermes Ip Services can be abbreviated as HIS What does HIS stand for? HIS stands for Hermes Ip Services. What does Hermes Ip Services mean?The IT company falls under information technology and services category and is located in Gulfport, Mississippi.
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Alternative definitions of HIS
- History
- Health Information System
- histology
- hospital information system
- Hopkinton Independent School
- Humane Society International
- Hospital Infection Society
- Honeywell Information Systems
View 138 other definitions of HIS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HEP Hurricane Energy PLC
- HVL Houston Volunteer Lawyers
- HPGS HP Global Soft
- HRI Hyatt Regency Indianapolis
- HSDL HS Data Ltd
- HAU Holy Angel University
- HASS Hastings Area School System
- HMCL Halo Media Communications Ltd
- HSIB Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch
- HWP Hot Water Products
- HPI Henderson Products Inc.
- HEL Headway East London
- HM House of Music
- HELP Human Early Learning Partnership
- HPL Hackley Public Library
- HWD Hurd Windows and Doors
- HHNSI Helping Hands Nursing Services Inc.
- HJHCG Hudson James Human Capital Group
- HCS Hamilton Community Schools